Student Voice

We are very proud of the students in this school and we fully recognise that education in the 21stcentury is a two-way process which, to be the most successful, must take account of students’ views and opinions. To maximise their learning, we believe that students need to be engaged and active participants. Initiatives such as Assessment for Learning and Personal Learning and Thinking Skills are integral parts of schemes of work and help ensure conversations about learning regularly take place.


Mutual respect is a cornerstone of Kingshill’s success and students played a full role in a recent review of the school’s behaviour policy which emphasises the importance of rights and responsibilities going hand-in-hand. Our aim is to be able to treat students as young adults so that they are prepared for the challenges and responsibilities of life beyond Kingshill.


A key aspect of preparing students for adult life is offering opportunities for students to develop leadership qualities. Many subject areas in the school make use of students’ enthusiasm by, for instance, taking them into primary schools to pass on their knowledge and interest. In addition, each Year 7 tutor group is assigned 5 or 6 buddies who are not only friendly faces around a big new school but also actively lead the younger students in discussion and activities designed to smooth the transition from primary school.

School Council

The School Council is made up of 14 students, from across the community who have been elected by their peers. Its role is to raise issues suggested by Year Group Councils and to actively explore ways of positively developing the school. In recent times, the School Council has played a key role in shaping new behaviour and homework policies; helped select a new catering company; and have designed an improved memorial garden as the gateway to the school.


Each tutor group elects two House Captains each year whose responsibility it is to organise teams for House competitions, as well as to motivate their peers to participate in the vast range ofextra-curricular opportunities offered by the school, all of which earn points for their House. Each of the three Houses (Gauntlet, Hurricane and Meteor) has elected Heads of House, nominated by the students. Their role is to marshal the work of the House Captains as well as present informative and inspiring assemblies to a third of the school.


Kingshill is committed to being an environmentally friendly school and is a holder of the Eco Schools Award. An interested group of students and staff meets regularly to examine ways of, for example, reducing energy use, litter and waste.