
Welcome to the Kingshill Library


Our library is stocked with thousands of fiction materials, in varying reading levels and genres, making reading for pleasure easy and accessible for our school community. We also have non-fiction and reference resources to aid with research projects or general interest. Our library staff are eager and ready to assist pupils with finding their next great reading adventure.


Mrs Penny Hughes
School Librarian
01285 651511 Ext 211
Librarian email

Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 3:30pm. If pupils require access outside of these times, they should make a request through the librarian.


All pupils and staff are welcome to borrow books and resources from our library. Loan periods are generally 3 weeks. DVD’s and some resources are loaned on a weekly basis.

Library resources
  • Non-fiction and fiction books in a range of reading levels, subjects, and genres;
  • We subscribe to ePlatform, including its Wellness Collection (register using your school email address) which includes hundreds of eBooks within the Accelerated Reader scheme and over 100 audiobooks, available on your personal device;
  • To aid in finding that next great read or assisting pupils, we subscribe to and;
  • For research purposes, we subscribe to Clickview, Complete Issues, and Issues Onlines. Issues Online is also available in print, in our reference section;
  • Please see the librarian or the information board at the back of the library, for current access instructions to all online library resources.
Accelerated Reader

Our Year 7 and 8 pupils are automatically enrolled in the Accelerated Reader (AR) Scheme. This scheme allows educators to gauge a pupil’s reading age by providing reading comprehension quizzes. Library computers are available for quizzing during break times, before and after school, or during their AR lesson. Pupils can also quiz at home using this link.

In Year 7, pupils have one designated AR lesson a week in the library. In Year 8, pupils are encouraged to continue to read for pleasure, books that will challenge them and increase their reading ability. Most of our fiction books are coded with AR levels, allowing pupils to easily choose books in their reading range. Pupils are celebrated and earn rewards for reaching reading milestones.

Homework Club

The Learning Resource team facilitates a homework club for pupils, using the library space, after school Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.


There are two self-issue computers on the desk between the computer area and the seating area. These computers are used exclusively for borrowing items from the library or for searching the library catalogue. The other 25 computers in the library are available on a ‘first-come-first-serve’ basis during break times. All have full access to network areas, internet, Moodle, and various careers packages.

Staffing assistance

Mrs Hughes, our School Librarian, along with the help of Mrs Dyer, are available to help pupils find the information they are seeking; whether that is for school, work, or pleasure. We are also here to encourage and support our community in reading for pleasure. We hope that you find the library an inviting space, where you find your next adventure in reading and feel supported in your information needs!