
How we Help our Students Plan for their Future Careers 
  • All students in Year 8 through to Year 11 can request a one-to-one meeting with our qualified careers adviser, Mrs Hicks.
  • Careers education is provided in PSHE lessons at Key Stage 3 and in Respect lessons at Key Stage 4.
  • During Year 9 Options Day, students research career opportunities across a range of labour markets as well as challenging stereotyping in careers.  This is followed by Year 9 Options Evening which is attended by post-16 education providers.
  • School assemblies that focus on careers education issues and speakers are also invited from higher education providers. 
  • Annual Careers Convention with representation from over 60 local and national companies as well as apprenticeship and education providers.  All students and parents from Year 8 to Year 11 are invited to this event.
  • Employability Day for Year 10 students.
  • Work Experience placements and CV writing workshops for Year 11 students and extended opportunities in Year 11 where appropriate.
  • Year 11 mock interview day – students are interviewed by professionals from local businesses.
  • Regular talks from industry professionals – whole year group or subject specific invitations.
  • Annual ‘Taster Day’ at a Further Education provider to explore post-16 education opportunities.
  • Post-16 Information Evening for Year 11 students and parents to help plan future steps.


Specialised Help or Support 
  • At the beginning of Year 10 and Year 11, students complete their ‘Planning your Future’ feedback forms which we use to identify individual need and plan interventions.
  • Follow up one-to-one meetings with career advisor Mrs Hicks.
  • Selected speakers from industry invited in to talk to students interested in specific careers such as medicine.
  • Attendance at the National Apprenticeship Show for students expressing an interest.


Further Help and Advice

Useful resources include Careers Companion and ECLIPS careers education programs.


Help us Help You

Our careers programme is regularly reviewed and we welcome feedback from students and parents to help improve the service.  Look out for our annual careers survey in term six.

In between times, if you have comments or suggestions, please email our Careers Lead, Jeremy Morland, at


Useful Links

Careers Provider Access Policy Statement

2023 Career Programme's Impact Data

Post 16 Information Parents Evening Slides

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