School Contacts

Cirencester Kingshill School Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Roles & Responsibilities


Jo Lindley - Headteacher
• Vision for the school
• School Development Plan & SEF
• Ofsted Action Plan
• School Environment
• Pace Setting: Wellbeing & Workload
• Parental Engagement & Community Link
Trevor Lee - Deputy Headteacher
• Development of Quality of Education
• Lead of the Middle Leadership Team (MLT)
• CPLD for all stakeholders
• Leadership of the MGM Group
Debbie Christopher - Deputy Headteacher
• Safeguarding
• Attendance
• Behaviours
• Transition KS2 to Kingshill
• Year Leaders & Quality First Tutoring
Jeremy Morland - Assistant Headteacher
• STEP's and Personal Development
• Cultural Capital & Extend Offer
• Student Leadership & Council
• Tutor programme & Assembies
• House System
• Oversight of Wellbeing Strategy
Darren Stillman - Assistant Headteacher
• Data & Unlocking Potential (UP) Strategy
• Physical Curriculum offer and school day
• Digital Strategy
• Exams for Y7-Y11 & Options Process
• Cover
• GDPR process
Sarah Gardiner - Business Manager
• Financial management of the school
• All aspects of Health & Safety
• All HR matters including staff absence


Designated Safeguarding Lead: Debbie Christopher