Safeguarding Information
Safeguarding Information
At Cirencester Kingshill School we want every young person to feel safe in school, at home, in the community and online. The Kingshill staff are here to help all students who might need some support.
All visitors to the school must sign in at main reception, where they will be issued with an ‘appropriate’ lanyard. All visitors with a red lanyard must be supervised at all times.
If you believe a person is on site, and not authorized to do so, please escort them to reception or contact a member of SLT immediately. Kingshill staff should wear their blue lanyard and photo ID at all times.
Visitors who have a DBS with us, or who have been cleared by Gloucestershire County Council to work within our schools, will wear a green lanyard. This means that they can move independently around the school.
All our school Trustees will wear a blue lanyard with photo ID.
If you are worried, upset or afraid please talk to your tutor or another trusted adult. You should tell of any risk or harm from an adult or another student, whether in the school, at home or in the community. All of our staff have been trained in safeguarding and Child Protection.
At Kingshill we recognize our role in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 makes it clear that all our staff have a safeguarding responsibility. As a school we work proactively with social care, the police, health services and other agencies to promote the welfare of our young people and protect them from harm.
The Prevent Programme
Since July 2015 the government’s Prevent Strategy has placed a legal duty on schools to report any signs of radicalization. At Kingshill we actively promote British Values across the curriculum and through PSHEE, Respect, assemblies and extra-curricular activities. The web site below has been launched to provide parents/carers with information and advice about how to prevent young people becoming radicalized.
Educate Against Hate - Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism
Safeguarding Contact Information
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mrs D Christopher
Deputy DSL: Mrs N Norman
Deputy DSL: Mr L Ryder