Uniform & Equipment
School Uniform Information
School Uniform
As well as being available from Trutex, uniform can also be purchased from D&J Sports in Cirencester town centre,
or via their website (please click) where you can select click and collect or home delivery.
The Friends of Kingshill School also have a selection of good condition second-hand uniform available, there are regular sales within the school. (you can also contact The Friends of Kingshill School via email FKS@cirencesterkingshill.gloucs.sch.uk)
Should you have any queries, please do contact us.
The school endeavours to provide equipment needed for pupils in lessons. It is however, appreciated if pupils have their own writing equipment. The following items are particularly useful:
Pencil-case, pencil, fountain pen or ball-point, ruler, rubber, coloured pencils, felt-tip pens, drawing equipment, a scientific calculator (e.g. Casio FX-83 models).
Children will need a bag in which to keep books and equipment. This should be small enough to go into a locker. Large sports bags are not suitable and will cause unnecessary problems.
All pupils will be expected to mark uniform and kit with a permanent marker or name tapes. At the beginning of each term uniform and kit will be checked for identification.