Pupil Care & Guidance
Pastoral care is the responsibility of all staff at Kingshill but it is the form tutor who is in the best position to monitor the overall pattern concerning behaviour and work of pupils in their class.
Each year group will be divided into six forms of approximately 27/28 pupils and the six tutors are led by a Year Head. Form tutors normally remain with their forms for the five years pupils attend Kingshill. The form tutor is responsible for the day to day care of pupils and in particular ensures that children are making good progress in their studies. If a child has a particular problem, they will normally see the form tutor for help.
Please click below for information from the School Nursing Service.
Home School Links
Pupils succeed if there is close co-operation between parents/carers and teachers. We endeavour to ensure that parents/carers are kept informed of academic progress and any concerns we might have. Likewise if you, as a parent/carer, have concerns please contact us early so that home and school can work together to resolve any problems. In the first instance, please contact your child’s form tutor. If he/she is not available the school office will liaise with you and the tutor will contact you at a suitable time.
It is essential that home and school work together to maintain the high standards set with regard to behaviour, uniform, punctuality and attendance. This creates an orderly working environment, where teachers and pupils can focus on teaching and learning, to ensure that your son/daughter maximises his/her potential at Kingshill.
Student Planners These are issued to pupils in Years 7 - 11 and are a valuable aid in helping children organise their school work. We hope that they also provide a useful weekly point of contact between home and school. We request that parents/carers sign these every week. The Student Planner is a useful place to leave messages from teacher or parent/carer.
Home School Agreement On Admission to the school, parents/carers and pupils will be asked to sign a Home School Agreement.
Normally homework will be set for all pupils and a homework timetable is produced for each year group in September. Pupils will keep a record of this in their Student Planner as a reminder to themselves and to ensure parents/carers are informed of work to be completed. On several evenings each week the school operates a Homework Club for pupils after school.
The amount of homework will be determined by the age of the pupil and, in time, by the ability and aptitude of the pupil. For pupils in Year 7 the amount will be about an hour per evening, though pupils may, of course, do more if they wish. As the pupils move up the school the amount of homework will increase.
Pupils in Years 10 and 11 following GCSE courses will be expected to conduct much of their own research and study outside school hours. Not all homework will involve a written task. Reading, listening, revision or practical work may be required.
The purpose of homework is to give pupils regular, disciplined, periods of study. Pupils will, in time, take public examinations and training in studying for these should begin early. It is not intended that homework should replace or prevent hobbies, interests and organised evening activities; on the contrary, these are encouraged by the school.
Parents/Carers have an important part to play in homework:
- Parental supervision helps convince pupils of its importance.
- Provision of a suitable, quiet place is helpful, though we appreciate that this is not always easy to find when there are other children and distractions.
- Homework should be completed by pupils using their own initiative, though help by parents/carers is much appreciated if they get stuck.
Parents’ Consultation Meetings
There are normally two parents' evenings held annually for each year group when subject teachers and form tutors are available for consultation. Pupils are asked to attend with their parents/carers. This encourages pupils to take responsibility for their own learning. In addition Parents/Carers of Year 7 pupils are invited to school in October to meet form tutors to ensure that their child has settled well at Kingshill. Newsletters are also sent home periodically to keep parents/carers informed of school events and important developments.
Cirencester Kingshill Code of Conduct
A detailed explanation of the school’s Code of Conduct is found in the Behaviour Policy. The Code of Conduct is designed to ensure the smooth running of the school for the benefit of pupils and staff.
Below is an outline of our Code of Conduct.
Whilst we do not have a set of rules, we expect pupils to take and accept responsibility for their behaviour. This means showing
- Best effort at all times | - Listen | - Speak politely |
- Contribute to class discussions | - Be properly equipped | - Be coperative |
- Catch up on missed work | - Be on time | - Allow others to learn |
- Complete homework on time | - Speak politely | |
- Be appropriately dressed | - Allow teachers to teach | |
- Of the school | - Put litter in bins | |
- Of other pupils | - Don't chew gum | |
- Of staff | - Don't eat in lessons |
Assessment and Reports
All pupils receive classwork, homework, performance and target grades, plus an indication of their effort and behaviour in all lessons, three times a year. In the case of Year 7 pupils individual meetings with Form Tutors are arranged in October so that an early indication can be given of areas of success and/or corner. Parents/Carers may request information on their child’s progress at any time if they have any concerns. At the end of the academic year, each pupil will receive a pastoral report.
Below is a video that explains details of the Report Layout: