
Kingshill aims to provide the best education possible for its pupils. As much money as is practicable is spent on classroom teaching.

Charges for School Activities – School Policy

Education is provided at the school without compulsory charges to parents/carers. There are, however, some valuable educational activities which the school cannot provide without seeking some financial support from parents/carers:

School Visits: It would not be possible for the school to meet the costs of visits without using funds required for basic educational needs. Therefore, if you would like your child to attend a school visit, we will ask you to make a voluntary contribution to cover the costs of the visit. If we do not receive sufficient uptake of voluntary contributions the visit will not take place. Full charges will be levied for visits occurring out of school hours or for the board and lodging costs of any residential activity.

Instrumental Tuition: Although this is subsidised by the school, a charge is made to parents/carers whose children receive instrumental tuition. Musical instruments may be hired from The Colwell Arts Centre.

Equipment and Materials: No compulsory charge will be made except very occasionally when articles are being made by children for parents/carers with their prior agreement.

Breakages and Fines:The school reserves the right to make charges to parents/carers for the cost of breakages or damage caused to the school building as a result of their child’s misbehaviour. Similarly, a charge may be made for the replacement of defaced, damaged or lost textbooks, equipment or materials.

School Meals

Meals are cooked on the premises and served in the Dining Room. There is normally a choice of a main cooked meal (meat and vegetarian option), a jacket potato, pasta dish or a cold snack meal and drinks. Pupils pay for their meals at the counter. Pupils may bring a packed lunch which can be eaten in the Dining Room or in one of the other seating areas around the school.

Free School Meals

Your child may be eligible to receive free school meals if you are to receive on of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • An Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit (provided that you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, assessed by HM Revenue and Customs, that from 6 April 2012 does not exceed £16,190)

For every child registered for free school meals, Kingshill will receive money to spend on extra school resources. The funding is called the Pupil Premium and is worth £600 a year per registered child.

*Please be advised that Gloucestershire County Council has changed the way they administer Free Schools Meals, and it is now administered through an online portal. Gloucestershire County Council has asked that we direct all Parent/Carers making Free School Meal applications to the online portal. This includes children already receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals to ensure that schools receive all the funding to which they are entitled under the Pupil Premium. 

Please click here to access the portal.

On accessing the portal you will need to register if you are a new user.*


Every child has the opportunity to have a locker in which to keep valuables. Lockers provide a safe and convenient place to store books and equipment. An annual payment of £3.50 is requested of each pupil who wishes to use a locker.